'Kidney Disease | 10 Home Remedies to Lower Creatinine That Work Even in Stage 5'

30:43 Jul 17, 2022
'If you have KIDNEY DISEASE, there are 10 Home Remedies that will lower your creatinine levels.  I\'ve put them in a top 10 and I\'ll show you how to get the best from them.   Here\'s what we\'re going to see in today\'s video. - Is vitamin d3 really the most important vitamin for kidney patients?  - How to get the most benefits without spending anything: the secrets of Apple cider vinegar. - and other 8 remedies you may not know about yet, RANKED from number 10 to number 1. Some of these supplements even worked for people in stage 4 and 5 of kidney disease during clinical trials.  #kidney #kidneyrepair  My name is Katherine, if you are new here, and I\'ve been working with kidney disease patients for 7 years now.   I\'ve seen patients getting back their kidney function with an improved diet and lifestyle and... Well, I\'ve learned a lot from them. I\'ve learned that kidney disease patients are probably among the most resilient and strong people in the world. They need to be like this to fight CKD.  So, if you are one of them, if you are already eating clean for your kidneys, if you\'ve embraced the healthy lifestyle BUT You still feel like there\'s something missing to get the results you want...  maybe one of the home remedies of today\'s video can help you lower your creatinine levels and give you back some of the health you deserve.     ⚫️ How Stage 5 CKD Patient Reversed Kidney Disease http://nhfkp.com/hope  And if you are new here on 00kidney, welcome to our journey together to a better kidney health!  ⚫️ Subscribe to #00kidney https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=00kidney  ⚫️ Where to find the supplements: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/herbal-remedies-kidney-disease/  ⚫️ The Artificial Implantable Kidney updated link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchatudI-5OxiegxtoFMdWfnJhcEOJkfZDtijAkBm6cxbXzcw/viewform  Transcript: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/top-10-supplements-proven-to-work/    Timestamps:  Intro - 0:00 My message for you time - 2:16 Supplement number 10 - 3:01 Supplement number 9 - 4:59 Supplement number 8 - 8:03 Supplement number 7 - 11:11 Home Remedy number 6 - 13:55 Supplement number 5 - 16:03 Supplement number 4 - 18:35 Supplement number 3 - 21:04 Supplement number 2 - 22:01 Home Remedy NUMBER 1 - 23:25 ARTIFICIAL KIDNEY UPDATE - 24:08 Q&A how to prevent need to urinate at night - 25:39 Q&A amino acids for kidney diet - 27:44 Q&A prevent bad breath - 29:20      RSS subscribe: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/feed/ Facebook support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352469048524134/ 00Kidney on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidney1/ Katherine on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/00kidney/?hl=en Michael on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikewright055/ 00Kidney blog http://00kidney.blogspot.com/  Subscribe to our mailing list and get a free ebook! http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/healthy-mind-healthy-body-visualization/ How Michael got out of dialysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Bt0fXMWqU&list=PL6o23ZjlPPqLVYVzc-WFbQlYiH73K2UDf  Did you like this video? Want to see more coming? Help 00kidney by sharing, liking and subscribing – thank you! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=00kidney   Excerpt   8 VITAMIN D3 Vitamin D is also known as The \"sunshine vitamin,\".  Because it is synthesized in your skin from sun exposure, ok? And it has been shown to help every aspect of kidney disease. #kidneyhealth So, is vitamin D3 really the most important vitamin for your kidney health? #kidneytreatment Well, according to recent studies, Vitamin D deficiency is found in about 79 percent of people suffering from kidney disease. So, basically in everyone who doesn\'t sunbathe constantly or gets this important vitamin from supplements, alright? #kidneycleanse This happens because one of the functions of the kidneys is to convert the vitamin D you get from the sun and from food into the active form of vitamin D. That is what your body needs. And when your kidneys start to fail, they cannot perform this important function anymore.  And this is a problem, you know, vitamin D deficiency can cause a wide array of complications. Bone problems, fatigue, depression and higher risk of heart disease.  And, remember this, anything that can harm your heart can cause kidney damage.  Now, wait a moment before rushing to buy some vitamin D  for your kidneys.  The problem for kidney patients is not the lack of vitamin D in the diet, but the inability of the kidneys to convert it in the active form.  There are two major forms of Vitamin D you can get.  Vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol (synthetic), and vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol (natural). D2 is often given as a prescription, ok? and there are studies showing it benefits the kidneys. #reversekidneydisease' 

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